The museum will be closed October 18th-20th except for previously scheduled group tours.

Wright Conversations

The Wright Conversations: Benjamin Crump

Thursday | February 15, 2024 at 5pm


Dynamic Dialogues with Inspirational Guests

The Wright Conversations is a curated collection of events featuring dynamic speakers chosen by the President of the Charles H. Wright Museum, Neil A. Barclay. Dedicated to bringing insightful and robust conversation to the Detroit community, the series addresses critical topics in the areas of civic engagement, art, history, and culture. 

Through a steadfast dedication to justice and service, renowned civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump has established himself as one of the nation’s foremost lawyers and advocates for social justice, earning the nickname “Black America’s Attorney General”. His legal acumen has ensured that those marginalized in American society are protected by their nation’s contract with its constituency. He is the founder and principal owner of Ben Crump Law.

This program is in partnership with Detroit Public Television.
