Board & Advisory Council Service Opportunities

The Charles H. Wright Museum
of African American History

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Board & Advisory Council Service Opportunities

Support The Wright's mission to honor and protect African American culture. Apply for a seat on our Board of Trustees or Community Advisory & Advocacy Council!

Board of Trustees

Board members appoint, evaluate, and support the President and CEO, set the museum's direction and policies, manage fiscal resources and personnel, and ensure transparency and integrity in all actions.

As a board member, you’ll play a pivotal role in shaping the museum’s future, expanding its reach, and deepening its connection to the community we serve. Your expertise and commitment will contribute to preserving and celebrating the rich heritage of African Americans. 

Why Join Our Board? 

  • Impact: Influence the museum’s strategic direction and initiatives.
  • Advocacy: Champion cultural awareness and social justice.
  • Network: Collaborate with like-minded leaders and experts.
  • Legacy: Contribute to a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Get more information about council service below, then start your application.

Application Period: April 12th to May 12th, 2024. This application is now closed.

Board of Trustees Responsibilities
  • Appoint, evaluate, and support the President and Chief Executive Officer.
  • Establish the Museum’s mission, strategic direction, and major policies, as well as oversee the implementation of same.
  • Provide prudent stewardship of the fiscal resources, assets, personnel, and programs of the Museum.
  • Act with honesty, integrity, and good faith as a fiduciary of the Museum. 
  • Maintain a thorough and informed perspective in relationship to the Museum’s general programs and operations.

Board of Trustees Expectations
  • Be a committed and informed member of the Museum actively in pursuit of the implementation of the Museum Mission. 
  • Be informed about the Museum’s services and strengths and willing to provide guidance where necessary. 
  • Actively participate, with at least 75% attendance, on at least one or more committees. 
  • Be prepared for meetings with a thorough review of minutes and reports. 
  • Support the Museum’s promotional activities by attending at least three events annually. 
  • Recommend other talented individuals who can serve on the Board. 
  • Maintain open and honest communication with other board members and staff; retaining confidentiality for privileged information and compliance with any conflict of interest policies. 
  • Participate in the Annual Evaluation Questionnaire and the Museum’s planning efforts. 
  • Be willing and accountable to either give or raise a minimum of $10,000 annually in personal giving support to the Museum. 
  • Be actively involved in the Museum’s development and fundraising efforts and provide annual philanthropic support by creating new sources of philanthropy.*

*Contributions by corporations, foundations, and other organizations with which trustees are affiliated are encouraged and will be recognized as partial fulfillment of the trustee’s personal commitment.

Community Advisory & Advocacy Council

The purpose of The Wright Community Advisory and Advocacy Council (The Council) is to provide recommendations to the Board of Trustees (BOT) related to the museum’s areas of community engagement.

The Council will provide critical input regarding the museum’s exhibitions, public programs, education programs, as well as special assignments upon request. Get more information about council service below, then start your application.

This application is now closed.

Council Responsibilities
  • Serve as advisors and advocates for the museum’s programs, more specifically, its exhibitions, public programs, education programs, events and services. 
  • As advisors, The Council will evaluate and provide constructive criticism to the museum’s BOT and staff regarding the quality of the institution’s programs.
  • As advocates, The Council will assist in the growth and development of the museum by promoting programs and initiatives that contribute to its sustainability.
  • Be an incubator for the development of future Trustees and staff.
Council Structure
  • The Council will be led by two co-chairs, one appointed by the Chair of the Board of Trustees and one elected by members of The Council.
  • The Chair of the Board of Trustees (BOT), after consultation with the Executive Committee, will appoint a member of the BOT to serve as co-chair of The Council. This co-chair must be an active Trustee who has met all requirements defined in the BOT manual. 
  • The Council will elect the second co-chair at its first meeting, and annually thereafter. 
  • Co-chairs will serve for not more than two consecutive years.
  • The Council must represent the diverse needs and interests of the community. The committee should include younger and older members. Interested members of the museum’s auxiliary committees and students who participated in museum youth programs are also eligible.
  • The Council will be composed of an odd number of members, initially not to exceed 25. 
  • The Council members must be current paid members of the museum.
  • The Council members may recommend an expansion of the committee to the BOT to accommodate a larger group of stakeholders at the beginning of each fiscal year, or as it deems necessary. 
  • The Council members must attend 75% of The Council scheduled quarterly meetings each year in order to remain in good standing. Members may participate via conference calls as needed. 
  • The Council members, at the discretion of the co-chairs, may create sub-committees to address issues requiring in-depth discussions that cannot be finalized during a quarterly meeting. The sub-committees will provide progress reports at subsequent quarterly meetings.
  • The Council will not participate in the daily management or operations of the museum. 
Advisory & Advocacy Roles

Advisory Role

  • The Council shall evaluate the museum’s exhibitions, public programs, education programs, events and museum policies and provide feedback to the governing body with respect to whether these areas are meeting the needs of the community.
  • The Council may make recommendations to the BOT to help fulfill the mission and vision of The Wright.

Advocacy Role

  • The Council will assist in promoting museum programs, events, and services by sharing marketing materials developed by the museum utilizing their social media channels, email lists, text messages, and word-of-mouth.
  • The Council can offer ideas and opportunities to help encourage new visitors to experience the museum and become members.
Selection Process

Nomination Options

  • Self-Nominations
  • Recommended Nominations


  • Be a current member of the museum
  • Complete and submit The Council nomination form
  • Submit a short bio, one-page resume, and an explanation of why they wish to serve
  • Submit the nomination information to The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History by December 31st utilizing one of the following methods:
    • Email -
    • U.S. Mail - 315 E. Warren Avenue, Detroit, MI 48201
    • Museum Information Desk - Thurs-Sat, 9 AM - 4 PM; Sun, 12 PM - 5 PM

BOT Nomination Committee, President/CEO, & Designated Staff Roles

  • Annually select the new nominees
  • Inform the nominees they have been selected
  • Introduce nominees at the Annual Members Meeting
  • Invite the nominees to their first meeting held each February

Council Meetings

  • The Council will meet quarterly, two weeks prior to the BOT meetings
  • BOT Chairperson will provide updates as necessary at the meetings
Terms of Office
  • The Council members may serve up to two, 2-year terms after which time they must rotate off for a period of one year before reappointment eligibility.
  • Members who for whatever reason cannot serve their complete term, will be replaced annually by the BOT Nominating Committee.
Staff Support
  • The Curator of Collections and Exhibitions and the Vice President of Public Programming and Community Engagement will support The Council by participating in deliberations, providing institutional feedback, and assisting administration on behalf of the BOT.  
  • Staff from both departments will be made available to provide additional support as needed.

Meet the Leadership Team

Meet the Executive Staff, the Board of Trustees, and more Wright leaders.